Baryon Pixel

I. General provisions


I.1. I.1. Csumiatomoso Kft (headquarters: 1164 Budapest, Szabadföldi út 70., tax number: 13071310-2-42, contact details: tel.: +36204995801, e-mail address:, hereinafter: Operated?), a goal of paramount importance for www. title? website (hereinafter: Website) its visitors, those who place orders and register on the Website, as well as the Operator? Does the registration / order / electronic information request by the User / take place in the sales premises by persons visiting its sales premises (hereinafter: User)? the protection of personal data provided during the stay, the provision of the Users' right to informational self-determination, which is ensured in the manner set out in these Regulations.


A wide range of products through the website? online shopping is possible. The Operation? processes the data received during the identification of Users for the purpose of fulfilling the orders placed by them. The Operation? the data manager of all data that is considered personal data and is uploaded by the Users when visiting the Website or using any of the Website's Services.
The Operation? manages the Users' personal data in full compliance with the relevant laws in force, which contributes to the creation of safe internet access for the Users.


The Operation? the personal data of the Users confidentially, in accordance with the applicable legal regulations? in particular, CXII of 2011 on the right to informational self-determination and freedom of information. (Info tv.) Act, as well as natural persons regarding the handling of personal data? to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection and free flow of such data and the repeal of Directive 95/46/EC (April 27, 2016; hereinafter: GDPR) ? manage them in accordance, ensure their security, take the technical and organizational measures, and develop the procedural rules that are necessary to enforce the relevant legal provisions and other recommendations.


I.2. Do these Regulations summarize the principles that define the Operated? its policy and daily practice regarding the protection of personal data, presents the services during which it requests personal data from Website Users, within the framework of the Regulations, the Operator? does it also state for what purpose and how such character is used? data, and how it ensures the preservation and protection of personal data.


I.3. The Operation? during the development of the Regulation, it took into account the relevant legislation in force, as well as the most important international recommendations, with particular regard to the following:



I.4. The Operation? at the request of the Users, in accordance with the contents of their request, in each case, they provide detailed information about the managed personal data, the purpose, legal basis, duration of the data management and related to the data management. from activity.
The Operation? does it only handle personal data that needs to be recorded in order to increase the number of visitors to the Website? be able to exercise its rights and fulfill its obligations in its legal relationship with the Users, communicate with them in this context, and conduct direct business acquisition with regard to the Users.


II. Concepts and most important principles related to the management of personal data


II.1. Concepts


II.1.1. Data management: regardless of the procedure used, any operation or set of operations performed on the data, in particular collection, recording, recording, organization, storage, change, use, query, transmission, disclosure, coordination or connection, locking, deletion and destruction, as well as preventing further use of the data, taking photographs, audio or video recordings, and recording physical characteristics suitable for identifying the person (e.g. fingerprint or palm print, DNA sample, iris image).


II.1.2. Data transmission: is the data intended for a specific third party? making it accessible.


II.1.3. Data controller?: is it a natural or legal person, or does it not have legal personality? an organization who, independently or together with others, determines the purpose of data management, makes and implements decisions regarding data management (including the tool used), or implements them with the data processor.


II.1.4. Affected: are you identified on the basis of any specific personal data? directly or indirectly? identifiable natural person.


II.1.5. Personal data: data that can be linked to the data subject? in particular, the name, identification mark, and one or more physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or social characteristics of the data subject? knowledge?, as well as the conclusion that can be drawn from the data regarding the person concerned.


II.1.6. Data protection incident: Illegal handling or processing of personal data, including in particular unauthorized access, alteration, transmission, disclosure, deletion or destruction, as well as accidental destruction and damage.


II.1.7. Profiling: any form of automated processing of personal data, during which personal data is assigned to a natural person. it is used to evaluate certain personal characteristics, especially to analyze or predict characteristics related to work performance, economic situation, health, personal preferences, interests, reliability, behavior, location or movement.


II.1.8. Pseudonymization: is personal data processed in such a way? management, as a result of which, without the use of additional information, it is no longer possible to establish which specific natural person the personal data refers to, provided that such additional information is stored separately and technical and organizational measures are taken to ensure that identified or identifiable natural persons are provided with this personal data data cannot be switched;


II.2 Basic principles


II.2.1. Legality, fair procedure and transparency


Can personal data be processed only for a specific purpose, in order to exercise a right and fulfill an obligation?. Data collection and processing must be fair and lawful.
Can personal data be processed if the person concerned consents to it, or is it required by law? based on the authority of the law, within the scope defined therein? it is ordered by a local government decree for purposes based on public interest (hereinafter: mandatory? data management).
II.2.2. Bound to a goal


In all stages of data management, it must comply with the purpose of data management.
II.2.3. Data saving


Only personal data that is essential for the realization of the goal of data management and suitable for achieving the goal can be managed.


II.2.4. Accuracy


The data controller? is obliged to take measures to ensure the accuracy (correctness) of the data it manages.
II.2.5. Limited storage capacity


Can personal data be processed only to the extent and for the time necessary to achieve the purpose?.
Personal data must be deleted if its processing is illegal; the data subject requests; incomplete or wrong? and this condition cannot be legally remedied - provided that deletion is not excluded by law; the purpose of data management has ceased, or the statutory period for data storage has expired; it was ordered by the court or the National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority (NAIH).
II.2.6. Integrity and confidentiality


Is the data correct? measures must be taken to protect in particular against unauthorized access, alteration, transmission, disclosure, deletion or destruction, as well as accidental destruction and damage, as well as inaccessibility resulting from changes in the technology used.


If a User provides the Operator with personal data? at your disposal, the Operator? do you take all necessary steps to ensure the security of this data? both during network communication (i.e. online data management) and during data storage and management (i.e. offline data management).
Do you only fill the relevant positions for personal data? can people access it? high level? while applying access controls.


II.2.7. Accountability


The data subject may request from the data controller i) information about the handling of his personal data, ii) correction of his personal data, and iii) do you have to? except for data management? deletion or blocking.


II.2.8. The Operation? declares as a general principle that in all cases where it requests personal data from its Users, after reading and interpreting the necessary information text, they can freely decide whether to provide the requested information. However, it should be noted that if someone does not provide their personal data, they cannot use the services of the Website that require registration.


Does it operate? respects the basic principles of data management and strives to enforce them at all times.


III. Legal basis for data management


Does it operate? handles the data contained in Chapter V with reference to the following legal bases:
III.1. The legal basis for data management: is it related to electronic commerce services and the information society? CVIII of 2001 on certain issues of services Act 13/A. § (3) and Article 6 (1) point c) of the GDPR (name, delivery address, billing address).


IV.2. point, the legal basis for data management is also: in addition to the voluntary consent of the person concerned (GDPR Article 6 (1) point a) the Operator? and the legitimate interest of the User (GDPR Article 6 (1) points d) and f); image recording), contract-based data management (GDPR Article 6 (1) point b); name, delivery address, billing address), the Grt. Section 6 (5) (GDPR Article 6 (1) point c); name, e-mail address), as well as by e-mail? In the event of a request for user information, Article 6 (1) b) and f) of the GDPR (name, e-mail address).


Does it operate? states that in the event of non-fulfilment of the legal basis for data management according to Article 6 (1) point b) of the GDPR (based on a contract), it will be transformed into the legal basis according to Article 6 (1) point b) and point f) of the GDPR (legitimate interest) .


III.2. The Operation? the User V.1. information described in point Info. on the basis of Article 5 (1) point a.) of the Act, the voluntary consent of the data subject (GDPR Article 6 (1) point a) and contractual obligation (GDPR Article 6 (1) point b); name, delivery address, billing address), or is it related to electronic commercial services and the information society? CVIII of 2001 on certain issues of services handled according to the rules of the law.


The User's consent is given in person or in electronic form during the use of the Website1 during the process of registration / order / electronic information request by the User, by signing the Data Management Declaration / ticking the tick box2. The User can withdraw his consent at any time and request the deletion / forgetting of his data or modify the data affected by the consent. Is it in progress? in the case of an order, the withdrawal of data management consent is considered a withdrawal from the order, which fact does the Operator state in the request for deletion/forgetting? draws the User's attention to the fact that the User's data is the Operator? the GDPR. Article 6 (1) para. f) is entitled to manage it as long as the termination prevents the conclusion of the contract? the parties did not restore the situation. Based on Article 7 (3) and Article 13 (2) point c) of the GDPR, the withdrawal of consent precedes it? does not affect the legality of data management.


III.3. The Operation? the User's personal data recorded in point V. (image recording) for quality assurance, property security, crime prevention and crime detection purposes, Info. Act § 6 (1) b.) and GDPR Article 6 (1) para. on the basis of point f) for the protection of personal data in proportion to the limitation of rights, the Operator? and for the purpose of asserting the legitimate interests of third parties, and in addition V.7. personal data recorded in point 17/B of the Consumer Protection Act. (3) of Article 6 (1) of the GDPR with reference to § it is also managed according to point c).


ARC. Purpose of data management


Does it operate? handles the data contained in Chapter V in order to enforce the following goals:


IV.1. The purpose of Data Management is: i) fulfillment of orders (name, delivery address); ii) checking the operation of the service (name, phone number, e-mail address); iii) prevention of abuse (name, phone number, e-mail address); iv) identification and differentiation of Users (name, date of birth, phone number, shipping address, billing address, e-mail address, username, password); v) contact (name, phone number, e-mail address); vi) creating statistics (using pseudonyms per order); vii) targeted sending of advertising messages (name, e-mail address); viii) exercising rights related to the legal relationship with Users (customers) (name, billing address, telephone number, e-mail address); ix) fulfillment of obligations (name, delivery address, billing address, date of birth, telephone number, e-mail address); x) issuance of the invoice (name, billing address); xi) monitoring and recording traffic and user habits, thereby recommending personalized advertisements to Website Users (name, order data); xii) property security and detection and prevention of illegal acts (photo recording).


IV.2. By providing their data in person, or in electronic form during the registration / order / User electronic information request process, by signing the newsletter subscription / ticking the tick box, Users can give their consent to the fact that the Operator? contact them with a direct marketing offer, electronic advertisement (newsletter, e-mail, SMS, etc.) at the given addresses. Consent can be revoked at any time free of charge, without restrictions and without justification, and it is also possible to withdraw consent as indicated in the electronic advertisement. The consent can also be revoked by the addressee of the Operator and the Operator? also with a statement delivered to its registered office by post. Is it in progress? in the case of an order, withdrawal of the data management consent contained in this point (related to the newsletter) does not affect the fulfillment of the order. Based on Article 7 (3) and Article 13 (2) point c) of the GDPR, the withdrawal of consent precedes it? does not affect the legality of data management.


IV.3. In all cases, if the provided personal data is operated? does it differ from the purpose of the original data collection? intends to use it for this purpose, informs the User of this and obtains his/her express prior consent, or provides the User with the opportunity to prohibit the use.


V. Subject of data management


V.1. What is happening on the website? registration is not a prerequisite for ordering. Depending on the User's needs, there are therefore two levels of use of the Website, during which different data ? the III. with the legal basis mentioned in point IV.1. for the purpose named in point? ? required to enter:


V.1.1. For unregistered Users:


Name, Shipping address, Billing address, Phone number, E-mail address, Date of birth, Personal image (photograph) ? in that particular case


The scope of the managed data was determined by the confirmation of the User's capacity to act (date of birth), the fulfillment of the order (name, delivery address), maintaining contact (name, telephone number, e-mail address) and ensuring the conditions for issuing invoices (name, billing address). The justification for taking pictures as processed data is contained in point V.
V.1.2. For Registered Users:


Name, Shipping address, Billing address, Phone number, Email address, Date of birth, Username, Password, Personal image (image recording) ? in that particular case


The scope of the managed data is the verification of the User's capacity to act (date of birth), the fulfillment of the order (name, delivery address), maintaining contact (name, telephone number, e-mail address) and ensuring the conditions for issuing invoices (name, billing address), as well as the Does the website work as a registered user? was determined by the conditions of its use (username, password). The justification for image recording as processed data is contained in point V.


V.2. The provision of personal data is based on legislation and contractual obligations, and is a prerequisite for concluding a contract for an order. The User is obliged to provide personal data if he wishes to buy online. Failure to provide data prevents online ordering.


V.3. Parental consent is required to manage the data provided by users under 16 years of age, as well as to make their legal declarations. The consent or subsequent approval of the legal representative is not required for the validity of the legal declaration containing the consent of the minor who has reached the age of 16.


V.4. The Operation? does not under any circumstances collect special data relating to racial origin, national, ethnic and ethnic affiliation, political opinion or party affiliation, religious or other beliefs, health status, pathological passion, sexual life, and criminal record .


V.5. The Operation? does not supplement or link personal or other data provided by Users with data or information from other sources.


V.6. Does it operate? happening in your sales room? for the purposes of asset security, crime detection and crime prevention, video recording of events is carried out, which material is stored for 3 working days. About the fact of image recording Operated? it also warns the User with a sign displayed in a clearly visible place in the sales premises. Does the user go to the sales premises to record the image? you consent by logging in or by signing the Data Management Declaration / ticking the tick box1. If the User uses the III.3. If you do not agree to the terms of section 2, you can use the online ordering and customer service (chat, e-mail) service. The legal basis for data management is Article 6(1)(d) and (f) of the GDPR.


V.7. Some of the Users' data, such as their IP address, other traffic data and behavioral data, are also recorded in order to increase the number of visitors to the Website. be, and it might arise? errors and break-ins to the Operator? can be identified. Does the Operator use this data? it only manages it for the necessary time and does not connect it with other data that can be used to identify the User (pseudonym). The data can also be managed on servers located abroad.



VI. Duration of data management



VI.1. Duration of data management:


VI.1.1. In the case of a non-registered user (see V.1.1.), does it follow the realization of the purpose of data management (order delivery and invoice settlement)? For 3 years (expiration of the warranty period), until other dates specified by law. Billing data (name, billing address) of the accounting TV. Section 169 (2) are kept for 8 years from the date of issue of the invoice.


VI.1.2. In the case of a registered user (see V.1.2.), does it follow the day of cancellation of registration? for 3 years, or if an order was placed before the cancellation of the registration, which was not fulfilled by the time of the cancellation of the registration, then VI.1.1. for the period included in point


Billing data (name, billing address) is the accounting data. Section 169 (2) are kept for 8 years from the date of issue of the invoice.


VI.1.3. The Operation? in his sales room at V.6. in the case of recorded images according to point 3, the duration of data management is 3 working days. If there is no need to store the recorded material during this period, the material is automatically deleted at the end of the 5th working day. Operated when justified? (if it has become aware of the content to be used as evidence in official proceedings) handles the recording until the goal is achieved (a legal decision is made).


VI.2. The User may withdraw their consent to data management at any time, request the deletion of their data affected by the consent, or modify their data. Is it in progress? in the case of an order, the withdrawal of data management consent is considered a withdrawal from the order, which fact does the Operator state in the request for deletion/forgetting? draws the User's attention to the fact that the User's data is the Operator? the GDPR. Article 6 (1) para. f) is entitled to manage it as long as the termination prevents the conclusion of the contract? the parties did not restore the situation. Based on Article 7 (3) and Article 13 (2) point c) of the GDPR, the withdrawal of consent precedes it? does not affect the legality of data management.


VI.3. If the personal data was recorded with the consent of the User, the Operator? is the recorded data different from the law? in the absence of its provision
a) for the purpose of fulfilling the relevant legal obligation, or
b) the Operator? or for the purpose of asserting the legitimate interest of a third party, if the assertion of this interest is aimed at protecting personal data? is proportionate to the limitation of the right
it can be processed without further separate consent, as well as after the withdrawal of the consent of the person concerned.


VII. Exercising the rights of the data subject



VII.1. If any User in accordance with VII.2. in accordance with the provisions of point, requests that the Operator? delete your personal data from your own system, the Operator? does this immediately by deleting the data previously indicated by the appropriate User from its database.
VII.2. The request for deletion/forgetting can be submitted electronically via the e-mail address of the customer service, or does it work on the website? in a chat window, on a paper basis the Operated? in a letter sent to its headquarters, orally at the telephone customer service or in the sales premises. About the verbal request for deletion / oblivion Operator? sends a written confirmation to the User.
In the event of a deletion request (withdrawal of data management consent), the Operator? data managed by cannot be processed from the time of receipt of the request.


In the case of a request to be forgotten, the Operator? including all data legally processed before receiving the application? connection, the profile created about the User and the automatic decision must be deleted from the system.


VII.3. If a change has occurred in the managed data, the User may request that it be modified in the database. The request for modification can be submitted electronically via the e-mail address of the customer service or on the website. in a chat window, on a paper basis the Operated? in a letter sent to its headquarters, orally at the telephone customer service or in the sales premises. Regarding the request for the verbally communicated amendment, Operator? sends a written confirmation to the User.


VII.4. Operated instead of delete? block the personal data, if the User requests this, or if, based on the available information, it can be assumed that the deletion would harm the User's legitimate interests. The personal data locked in this way can only be stored as long as the data management purpose exists, which precluded the deletion of the personal data. Under the restriction? with the exception of storage, data can only be handled with the User's consent, or to submit, enforce or protect legal claims, or to protect the rights of other natural or legal persons, or for important public interest (right to restrict data processing).


VII.5. If the Operated? does not comply with the User's request for correction, blocking or deletion, do you follow up on receipt of the request? Within 25 days, in writing, at one of the addresses provided by the User, he shall communicate the factual and legal reasons for rejecting the request for correction, blocking or deletion. If the request for correction, deletion or blocking is rejected, the Operator? informs the User about the court remedy and the possibility of turning to the supervisory authority.


VII.6. The User may object to the processing of his personal data,


a) if the processing or transmission of personal data is solely for the fulfillment of a legal obligation concerning the Operator or the data processor, data recipient? or is it necessary to enforce the legitimate interests of a third party, except is mandatory? in case of data management;
b) if personal data is used or forwarded for the purpose of direct business acquisition, public opinion polls or scientific research; as well as
c) in other cases defined by law.


In case of objection by the User, the Operator? you are not entitled to further data processing, unless you prove that you force the data processing to be so? justified by legitimate reasons that take precedence over the interests and rights of the User, or that are related to the dissemination, enforcement, and protection of legal claims.


With regard to data processed with the legal basis of Article 6 (1) points d) and f) of the GDPR (legitimate interest), instead of withdrawing the request for deletion / consent, the User may object to the processing of his data.
The Operator? as a data processor? examines the objection as soon as possible, but no later than 15 days after the submission of the application, makes a decision on its merits, and requests a decision? The user is informed in writing.
VII.7. Users can request information about the management of their personal data. The request for information can be submitted electronically via the e-mail address of the customer service or on the website. in a chat window, on a paper basis the Operated? in a letter sent to your headquarters, orally at the telephone customer service or in the sales premises. About the request for information communicated orally. sends a written confirmation to the User.


Operated at the User's request? provides information about the User's data managed by it, its source, the purpose of the data management, its legal basis, its duration, the fact and legal basis of the data transfer, the name and address of the recipient, and related to the data management? for all activities. The Operation? must the shortest time from the submission of the application? under, but within 30 days at the most, do you understand? form, to provide the information in writing upon the User's request.


Is the information written above free if you request it? in the current year, he has not yet submitted a request for information to the Company regarding the same data. In other cases, reimbursement may be established. The compensation already paid must be refunded if the data was handled unlawfully or the request for information led to a correction.


Does the Operator inform the data subject? only the Info. can refuse in cases defined by law. In case of refusal to provide information, the Operator? informs the data subject in writing that the refusal to provide information was based on which provision of this law. In case of refusal to provide information, the Operator? informs the User about the court remedy and the possibility of applying to the National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority. About the rejected requests, the data manager? the Authority annually following the subject year? will be notified by January 31 of the year.
VII.8. Data portability
According to § 20 of the GDPR, is the User entitled to the Operator? to receive your data provided in a segmented, widely used, machine-readable format, and to forward it to another data controller.
Can the User request the direct transfer of data to the other data manager? if technically feasible.
The request for data portability can be submitted electronically via the e-mail address of the customer service, or is it working on the website? in a chat window, on a paper basis the Operated? in a letter sent to its headquarters, orally at the telephone customer service or in the sales premises. About the verbally communicated request for data portability. sends a written confirmation to the User.
If the Operated? does not comply with the User's request for data portability, do you follow up on receipt of the request? Within 30 days, in writing, at one of the contact details provided by the User, he shall communicate the factual and legal reasons for rejecting the request. If the request for data portability is rejected, the Operator? informs the User about the court remedy and the possibility of turning to the supervisory authority.
The User does not have the right to data portability with regard to data processed on the basis of legal basis according to points d) and f) of Article 6 (1) of the GDPR (legitimate interest).


IX. Placement of anonymous user ID (cookie) and web beacons (?web-beacon?)


IX.1. Üzemeltet?, like many other businesses, uses cookies on the Website. What happens while using the Website? Detailed information on the creation of cookies and web beacons can be found in the separate document Information on the placement of Anonymous User IDs (cookies) and web beacons (web beacons) included.



X. Data storage, processing, data transmission



X.1. Data storage
The Operation? is the managed data created for this purpose and accessible only by our company? it is stored in the Internet cloud or on its own server designated for this purpose.


Location of server storage and operation:


Viacom Kft.
Our address: 2225 Üll?, Gyár utca 8
Phone: +36(1)348-5000


X.2. Data processing

Does it operate? does not use a data processor.


X.3. Data transfer


The User gives his/her consent to data transfer/foreign data transfer in person or in electronic form during the registration/order process when using the Website, by signing the Data Management Declaration/checking the checkbox. The User can withdraw his consent at any time. Is it in progress? in the case of an order, the withdrawal of data transmission consent is considered to be a withdrawal from the order, which fact does the Operator state in the cancellation request? draws the User's attention to the fact that the User's data is the Operator? the GDPR. Article 6 (1) para. f) is entitled to manage it as long as the termination prevents the conclusion of the contract? the parties did not restore the situation. Based on Article 7 (3) and Article 13 (2) point c) of the GDPR, the withdrawal of consent precedes it? does not affect the legality of data management.


X.4. The Operation? guarantees provided by


Does it operate? assumes an unconditional and irrevocable obligation to protect the User's personal data. The Operation? is responsible for ensuring the compliance of the partners used during the further management and processing of personal data, thereby ensuring the required protection of personal data.


To a third country? the recipient of the data transfer and the data processors have committed themselves in a separate agreement on the protection of personal data concluded with the Operator to comply with the data protection legislation valid and effective in the EU? to take measures to ensure a level of protection. Does it operate? for such contracts? provide the opportunity and means to ensure that personal data is to enforce its protection, providing a guarantee for the User in order to protect and exercise his rights.
Does it operate? it is his responsibility to present the agreements and their amendments to the National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority and the competent supervisory authority for authorization based on Article 46 (3) of the GDPR.


XI. Data security measures, data protection officer?


XI.1. Data security measures


Regarding the management and storage of personal data provided by Users, the Operator? can it be takes the utmost care. In the field of IT security, the Operator? within reason? uses the most effective, state-of-the-art tools and procedures.
The Data Manager? plans and implements data management operations in such a way as to ensure the protection of the privacy of the Users concerned. The Operation? ensures the security of the data, and also takes the technical and organizational measures and established the procedural rules that Info. law, as well as other data and privacy protection rules.


XI.1.1. Do you manage the data? does it fit? protects it with measures in particular against unauthorized access, alteration, transmission, disclosure, deletion or destruction, as well as against accidental destruction and damage, as well as inaccessibility resulting from changes in the technology used.


XI.1.2. The Operation? differ? in order to protect data files managed electronically in registers? ensures with a technical solution that the data stored in the registers ? except if it is made possible by law ? cannot be directly linked and assigned to the concerned User.


XI.1.3. The Operation? The IT tools used in the provision of the service for the management of personal data are selected and operated in such a way that the processed data:


a) can it be accessed by those authorized to do so? (availability);
b) its authenticity and authentication are ensured (authenticity of data management);
c) its immutability can be verified (data integrity);
d) be protected against unauthorized access (data confidentiality).


XI.1.4. The Operation? does it take care of the security of data management with technical, organizational and organizational measures that occur in connection with data management? meets the risks? provides a level of protection.


XI.1.5. The Operation? your IT system and network are both protected against computer-assisted fraud, espionage, sabotage, vandalism, fire and flood, as well as computer viruses, computer intrusions and denial of service? against attacks. The Operation? about security server level? and application level? provides protection procedures.


XI.1.6. Regardless of the protocol (e-mail, web, ftp, etc.), electronic messages transmitted on the Internet are vulnerable to network threats, which can lead to dishonest activity or the disclosure or modification of information. Protect yourself from such threats? the Operator? takes all the necessary precautions. Monitors systems to capture any security discrepancies and provide evidence for any security incident. However, the Internet is known to ? so in a manner known to Users as well? it is not one hundred percent safe. The Operator is not liable for any damage caused by indefensible attacks that take place despite the greatest possible care.


XI.2. Data Protection Officer?
The Operation? declare that you are a data protection officer under the GDPR? is not obliged to use it, in view of which no data protection officer is employed.


XII. Pseudonymization, statistics


XII.1. The data is operated? you can use it for statistical purposes after pseudonymisation. Are the data in a statistically aggregated form? use, it may not contain the name or other identifying information of the concerned User in any form.


XIII. Automated decision making


The User gives his consent to the automated decision-making in person or in electronic form during the use of the Website during the process of registration / order / electronic information request by the User, by signing the Data Management Declaration / ticking the tick box. The User can withdraw his consent at any time. Is it in progress? in the case of an order, the withdrawal of consent is considered a withdrawal from the order, which fact in the cancellation request does the Operator state? draws the User's attention to the fact that the User's data is the Operator? the GDPR. Article 6 (1) para. f) is entitled to manage it as long as the termination prevents the conclusion of the contract? the parties did not restore the situation. Based on Article 7 (3) and Article 13 (2) point c) of the GDPR, the withdrawal of consent precedes it? does not affect the legality of data management.


XIV. Consumer complaints


XIV.1. The Operation? customer service of the Operator? complaints and user inquiries related to its service and personal data protection are partially accepted on the dedicated telephone customer service line and by e-mail, on the phone number +361 451 0042, and at email address.
XIV.2. Are you sending the complaint? For legal redress or complaints, the user can contact the territorially competent court or the National Data Protection and Information Freedom Authority (NAIH): 1024 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22/C. (


XV. Fulfilling authority inquiries


XV.1. The court, the prosecutor, the investigative authority, the administrative authority, the data protection commissioner, or based on the authorization of the law, other bodies may contact the Operator in order to provide information, communicate and transfer data, or provide documents.
XV.2. The Operation? for the authorities? if the authority indicated the exact purpose and scope of the data? discloses personal data only to the extent and to the extent that is absolutely necessary to fulfill the purpose of the request.
If you do not agree with the above, please do not use the Website.
If you have any further questions about data protection, please contact our staff.
These Regulations are publicly available on the Website from the date of their date, and are effective from that date.
Budapest, 24.05.2018.